
115 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. The O-Team: The Multiverse’s Finest Scum
    By Grand Master Skywalker

    Origami Jeff the Killer
    By The Force and Zeta

    Zeta Warlson, the Origami Unwanted House Guest, packed his bags outside the abandoned house. He looked out the stained window. Sammy, his little friend and the Origami Jeff the Killer, was punching Tommy repeatedly in the face. Everyone else backed away. Marci’s boyfriend growled.
    WAIT, WAIT! STOP! Get out of here.


    Okay, Zeta here, everyone. You’re all probs wondering how, y’know, any of this is happening. Wellllll, let’s just say I’m from a freaking trash universe. Yeah, there’s a multiverse. Old news to me. Get over it! I escaped, and I go universe-hopping, torturing poor people like how I have. Universe-hopping has given me…powers. I’ve been in the World Between Worlds a lot when I’m not in a specific universe, and that seems to have an effect on you. For some, it grants…surprisingly, minimal Force powers, for others, supernatural abilities, like me…and I’m rounding up people across the multiverse just like me. Why? I wanna form a team of villains. Take on the whole multiverse with them, and just—y’know—rule. I love ruling, y’know?
    Okay, now that those Whill freaks who write these ‘By The Force’ chapters finally left, time to get into the juicy business! I found one about a month ago: Sammy Hendinn. Sammy’s an absolute idiot fool, but he’s useful. His power is that he can…harness the full potential of weapons. Imagine the strongest man in the world stabbing someone in the heart? Well, he can do that, but ten times stronger. It’s sooooo useful, y’know? But I don’t want my team to be what it is so far. Me and a lunatic who’s only useful when it comes to violence. (And it seems this universe has no people like me or Sammy, either. So I ordered him telepathically—yeah, telepathically—to sic himself on the witnesses of my deeds! Fun, right? Don’t worry, he has a TimeWarper-2400, too. He’ll get back to me.
    Using the Warper, I summoned a fairly large black portal, with silver wave-like streaks moving throughout. I stepped in and braced myself for the next universe.


  2. The OYEU Halloween Special
    By Superfolder SLS

    Another Day, Another Story To Tell
    By Tommy

    Something’s off.
    I don’t know what.
    Can you tell me what?
    Oh, right, I’m writing this down on a piece of paper.
    It’s okay, I know the answer. Gosh darn it, GET OUT MY HEAD!
    You’re making me go mad…
    That smile…
    That damned smile…

    Sara, Amy, And The Case Of The Missing Doritos
    By Sammy and Amy (duh)

    Sara: Hey, Amy, is something off today?

    Amy: No, definitely not.

    Sara: Oh, okay. Well, the “Cheeto Hog,” if you know who I’m talking about, should be writing this chapter right now…except he’s too embarrassed to—

    Amy: What’s the Cheeto Hog’s first name? I don’t think I know him or her.

    Sara: Oh, it’s—uh—Quentin…Quinn…Quincy…Quineth…Gwyneth? Gwen? Yeah, some girl named Gwen is the good ol’ Cheeto Hog of McQuarrie Middle School.

    Amy: Are you pretty sure? Maybe it’s a dude. Maybe vegan, I’d say. I don’t know why I’d predict that, though. Maybe he’s secretly not a vegan. I don’t know. I really don’t know…

    Sara: I feel like we knew who the Cheeto Hog is…or was.

    Amy: Sara…

    Sara: Yeah?

    Amy: I need you to stop all of this %$@*&^# pain. Or else I’ll end it for myself.

    Sara: Amy, what “pain” are you talking about?

    Amy: Goodbye, Sara,

    Sara: Amy? Amy?

    Sara: Amy, respond to my texts!

    Sara: Amy!


    1. The New Student…Yeah, We Get A Lot Of Them
      By Sammy, Lance and Jacob

      Lance: So two days ago a—wait, who’s Sammy?

      Jacob: Yeah, I asked myself that too after reading the chain of texts from Sara and Amy.

      Lance: Why isn’t Sara in the list of people who wrote it, either?

      Jacob: I don’t know, man, but I haven’t seen her since she sent those screenshots of the texts to all of us.

      Lance: Do you think something…happened?

      Jacob: I, just, I—onto the point! Yeah, onto the point! Who’s Sammy?

      Lance: No, I wanted to tell everyone about the new student that started at McQuarrie two days ag—

      Jacob: Just stop, okay? I just can’t cope with it. What happened to her, Lance? What the h**l happened to her?

      Lance: Geez, man, can you chill? I’m sure she’s sick or something.

      Jacob: No! I need to know what happened to Sara! Now!

      Lance: Oh my God, what’s wrong with you today?

      Jacob: I need to find out what happened to Sara Bolt!

      Lance: Why?!?

      Jacob: Because I love her!

      Lance: …

      Lance: What?

      Jacob: Yeah. Hasn’t it been obvious ever since I was first introduced to you people? I literally asked her out to a baseball game during our elective—on my first day at that school!

      Lance: How do you remember all the specific details and…oh, I see it now.

      Jacob: Don’t tell anyone this. Lance. Lance. Lance!

      Lance: What?

      Jacob: Lance, someone’s trying to kills us all. That’s what off.

      Lance: Nothing’s been off.

      Jacob: What do you mean?

      Lance: I’m right behind you, dingus.

      Jacob: You’re not Lance!

      “That’s exactly right.”


      1. FunTime Returns…Except It’s…Good?
        By Harvey

        Hey, punks. I just wanna say before I type anything that you all are a bunch of superstitious twerps. Trying to scare me with your scary texts and emails…Tommy and his weird little poem…so, yeah.

        Today, during the time our elective should’ve been held, me and my same FunTime team from seventh grade huddled up in Ms. Rabbski’s class.
        Before I continue, I just have to say that I feel sweaty. Don’t know the exact reason. Or why I’m telling you this.
        Wow, it’s steaming hot in here. Or is it just me? I don’t know which either.
        Oh—oh, wow! It’s late fall! It reaaallllyyyy shouldn’t be like this. Really.
        Is something going on? I genuinely want to know.
        Why am I talking to $%^@!#& paper?
        Wait, why is the paper melting? Why are my arms and legs black and crispy? Like a roasted chicken?
        Someone put me in a giant oven.


      2. Princess Labelmaker Returns…Finally!
        By Tommy

        No, I have no time for this nonsense. This whole thing is a trap. This used to be innocent playing with Star Wars finger puppets…I really don’t know what’s happening! Amy! Sara! Lance (maybe)! Jacob! Harvey! Jacob’s right, I can’t cope either. With any of their deaths!
        S***, I think there’s a killer on the loo—


      3. Another Day, Another Story To Tell
        By Tommy and everyone else…

        Tommy: Wait…where am I?

        Kellen: You’re group-chatting with all of us, dummy!

        Tommy: SfbhjsbgjkfsbgljghgskjhAgbdshubvfhjkfgdshvdsRsbfksljwnefwjlenrkfA?

        Cassie: Tommy, are you okay?

        Tommy: HueiulrgsbughaAsglhfgihshshiypshRjhhsrguhrgskVrshdagiohygdaEnvsiujofsY!

        Dwight: There’s no one here whose name starts with an “H.”

        Tommy: Dwight! Thank the heavens you’re here! What the %&$@ is going on?

        Dwight: What do you mean?

        Tommy: Reveal yourself, you stupid piece of s—


      4. Sammy
        By Tommy

        I turned around. There was kid with dark red hair and freckles. He wore a grey hoodie, and there was big smug grin on his face.
        I collapsed onto the floor as my leg bled.
        “Who are you?” I asked, yelling.
        “The famous Sammy, mentioned in the chapters by poor ol’ Sara, Amy, Lance, and Jacob.”
        “But…have we met?” I asked.
        He laughed maniacally. “Oh, %$#&, it’s so freaking funny to just—tell people what they missed! Do you remember Zeta? Hmm, Tommy Toes? The boy with that ‘Origami Unwanted House Guest?’”
        I shook my head. He laughed again.
        “Well, a while ago he started at McQuarrie. He introduced you and the rest to her little puppet, and soon trouble started, ranging from blackouts to, um, mutilation. All him. Remember the old house? The unknown boyfriend? The kid with the puppet that read ‘Go to sleep, McQuarrie?’ That was me!”
        I remember it now. The Origami Unwanted House Guest.
        “What did you do to us, Samuel? To make us not remember a single thing about it?” I asked, even louder this time.
        He laughed, and this time it felt never-ending. “Well, Zeta and I were very good friends. Until that day. After I revealed myself, I tranquilized you and the others. Zeta and I were planning this for a while, and he gave me some mind-erasing liquids he’d been working on. I killed Zeta after she gave it to me. I’m such a ‘backstabber,’ aren’t I? I killed Marci and that weird boyfriend of hers. I force-fed you the liquid substances while you were asleep. I dropped you all off at each of your separate houses. There’s less of you now. Do you remember Mike?”
        I gasped.
        “It’s been a while, Thomas.”


      5. Remembering…
        By Tommy

        “He died a long time ago, Tommy,” Sammy said. “At my hands. Every single time you or someone else gets in the way of my scheme, I erase your memories of the whole thing.”
        “How long has this been going on?” I asked him.
        “Look at your hands, Tommy. You look about ready to graduate from high school.”
        He was right. My hands were big. Almost as big as my dad’s. I looked at my room. Everything—all the Star Wars collectibles, the photos, the pile of clothes in the corner—they all disappeared, replaced by rats, mold, dirt, and broken wood. The house was abandoned.
        “Why?” I asked as I started to tear up. “Zeta never did anything like this to us! Is this all some kind of game to you?”
        He smiled. “Yes, Tommy. I think it’s time I take a break from this game, though. Y’know, move on to the next batch of teenagers to kill.”
        “I won’t let you!” I yelled.
        He stabbed me in the hand.
        “AAAAH!” I screamed. Blood was spilling out onto the creaky, broken floor, seeping down those broken wood tiles in a waterfall-like loop.
        I tried to stand up, but Sammy stabbed me in the other leg. Another stream of blood flooded out into the tiles, eventually joining the other river of blood. It grew and grew. A huge pool of it surrounded my body, soon enough.
        “Let’s give this face a nice little smile,” he said, licking the blood off of his knife.
        He put it onto my face, right next to my lip.


      6. Someone Else

        “Go to sleep, Thomas J. Lomax,” Sammy, also known as the infamous Origami Jeff the Killer, said. Tommy took his final breath.
        “Aagh, he was a tough one. Time to kill the others, I guess.”
        Sara walked into Tommy’s bedroom, still thinking it was not abandoned, as part of the illusion.
        “Hey, Tommy, my cold’s getting really bad. Can we maybe watch a movie togeth—”
        He saw Tommy, surrounded in a pond of blood. Deep red blood. Sammy surround the corpse, smiling his usual smile.
        “Hello, sweets.” He walked towards Sara.
        She backed up. “My God, can you—um—can you get the h**l away?”
        “I know I just killed your boyfriend, but it’s—”
        She tried to grab Sammy’s knife. He tried to grab it from her, but failed miserably as she held the knife up to her own face.
        “You little a%&^@#e!” she said, and struck down Sammy with a single blow to the head.
        She dropped the knife. “What do I do…I need to flee this town…oh my God…”
        The hall started to get old and abandoned-looking. When Sammy died, the illusion also did.

        A few minutes later, she was watching some VHS old tapes of her and Tommy on the cracked TV in the house’s abandoned living room.
        “You what I’d really want? A girlfriend named Jane!”
        They botched laughed as everyone in the room shouted in unison, “Happy birthday, Sara!”
        She smiled.
        She said to herself out loud, “I need to take revenge on this guy. Everyone he knows. Everyone he loves, too—if he didn’t kill them, that is. I need to be a killer, just like him, but in a different way. And I think I’ve found a way to flee this town without any soul knowing it’s me…”
        She smiled.
        “I’m gonna change my name to Jade. And you know what, that Glasgow smile looks pretty good on Tommy. I wonder how it’d look on me.”
        “You go, girl.”
        Sara turned around, clenching the knife in her hands. It was a girl she recognized. Um…did her name start with a Z? Zebra? No, no, that’s the name of an animal—it was Zeta.
        “You’re alive?” she asked.
        “C’mon. It’s time to go. Here, look, I made you a little trinket.”
        She handed Sara an origami Jane the Killer finger puppet.
        “Hell, yeah.”


      7. Epilogue: There Are Others


        Zeta, the Origami Unwanted House Guest, and Jane Bolt, also known as the bloodthirsty Origami Jane the Killer, walked through an alleyway in northern Virginia.
        “There’s a story about these two boys. Years and years back, when you and everyone else in McQuarrie were actually in seventh grade, they had this little sleepover. Over the course of the night, a mysterious stranger in a Slenderman outfit appeared frequently, and in the morning…there was a Slenderman puppet, out of nowhere, on the desk of one of the boys. They sought help from your old neighbor, Jane—Dwight Tharp. He helped them defeat Slenderman. Of course he’s not the real Slenderman, though. It was just some loser named Ruth or something. Apparently this kid from your school, Vernon? He killed Ruth, he killed him well. Nowadays, there’s a rumor floating around these parts about Ruth actually being alive, living in the alley where he died.”
        Jane shrugged. Probably not true.
        “They called him…Slendergami.”
        I knew that name. Dwight told it to me once as part of a story about these “two boys, even dorkier than more” and their adventure that involved “a neatly-folded Slenderman puppet.”
        There was crumbling noise in front of both of us. I looked at where it was coming from: a pile of trash in one corner of the alley. It started to rumble, and out came a tall boy, wearing a gray poncho that looked like it was made out of literal trash.
        “Did someone say my name?”


  3. This Story Has No Origami
    By Time-Lord SLS

    This story has no origami, Noah.
    That’s it, lassie.
    Go home. Watch TV. Confess your crush to the girl you like, buy a book, just…do something in life—I don’t really care what it is. I just really, really don’t bloody care.
    This isn’t a chapter. Not a chapter to anything. I don’t know even know why I’m writing this anymore, and honestly, I won’t reveal my real name. You can call me Your Next-Door Neighbor, though. I’m here to explain the multiverse to you.
    Yes, lad, the multiverse. I’m sure your friend has talked about it a lot, though.
    You’re a mod on the, uh, website, am I correct? What’s it called…ah! The Origami Equestrian Advanced Universe! No? The Origami Yoda Expanded Universe? You American…
    (By the way, you filth, that means “origami horse.”)
    Care for some tea? What about a little caramel biscuit? I just went to the bakery today—no? Okay, okay.
    There’s yours. Your universe. The one that I live in as well. You can call it the “real world,” perhaps. You might think every story you and your pals write on that site is just by choice or decision, but, well…no. The story choices that both you and everyone else, both under and above you, follow—are by bigger forces than a single mortal’s mind. No, no, they don’t control your every act. But…but when your friend, the CJ one—no, not him, uh…JC, yeah, JC—started that place with that ward of his, the, um, Jawa…those bigger forces witnessed a huge rift in the universe take place. It became a multiverse as soon as JC wrote the first story on that older version of the current site. Oh, you want an explanation for each universe? Well, I just gave one, but I guess I can tell all. This might take a little while, though. I hope your schedule’s cleared,


    1. The Lead

      Hi, Noah. Sit down. It’s me, Your Next-Door Neighbor, again.
      So, I’m just going to give you this file on your own universe, the main one, the one in front of all the others, the controller…the lead.

      The Lead
      Documented by [REDACTED]

      Notable locations: Virginia, New York, California, Ohio, Spain, Canada, Origami Yoda Expanded Universe, etc.

      Notable inhabitants: SuperFolder JC, The Evil Jawa, CJ, SF Darth Noah, various Superfolders, me, etc.

      Known for: Infamously being known as the “controller of all universes,” despite not being the real controllers. Also known for being the only universe without sea monsters, and the only universe where cigarettes are a thing. Cigarette smuggling is becoming a really big problem in the multiverse, for your information. Some dealers these days are probably unknowingly selling most of their stuff to people from other dimensions.

      Real controllers: Various afterlife-related forces, not really controlling anything other than the OYEU’s stories, so don’t worry.

      Other notable things:
      1. There is speculation that one day, the “Ring of Fire” will awaken and set off a gigantic, across-the-western-hemisphere earthquake. Who knows. Referred to as the “Big One.”
      2. One of the only two universes to not have brought back mammoths from the dead yet. It’s going to happen, lad.


      1. Note from the actual author, Time-Lord SLS:
        This story is completely fictional. No forces actually control the OYEU’s stories…I hope not, at least. Enjoy the rest.


      2. The Superhero One, Starring Only The Original Six Stories

        Again, I know who you are. You know who I am. Let’s begin. Ooh, it seems we’ve made it to our first alternate universe.
        So in our universe, of course, there’s only six official books in the Origami Yoda series. Am I right?
        Okay, good. Well, there’s a universe where the Origami Yoda books actually played out in real life—but not the EU’s. Just the original six. Obviously, their adventures take place in Virginia, but there’s a big catch, as big as this one bass me and my old man once caught while fishing in the Loch:
        In Madison, New York, this small town not far from the big city, there are two schools that constantly fight and compete with each other. Some student have Marvel Cinematic Universe puppets, ranging from an origami Beta Ray Bill to an origami Iron Man. But you already know that. You created them. It’s the darn MOU, you plonker!
        In the obviously-fictional busy city of Jutefruce, California, right next to the even busier Los Angeles, created by one of your other friends, there’s a couple schools. There’s a trend that’s only starting over there. It’s definitely not in full swing. Origami DC Comics characters.
        I like to call it a long, kind of unnecessary name…

        The Superhero One, Starring Only The Original Six Stories

        Notable locations: Virginia, New York, California, Spain, etc.

        Notable inhabitants: Thomas Lomax, Sara Bolt, other members of the “McQuarrie gang,” Clark Largent, Andrew Gardner, Tilly Waterson, other members of the “OrigAvengers,” Alan Wade, etc.

        Known for: Being one of the grittier universes of this vast multiverse (but definitely not as gritty as some of the universes after this one), various mods from the OYEU and one non-mod user exist in California, with some residing at the schools where the DC puppet epidemic is currently taking place.

        Other notable things:
        1. In the Superhero One universe, Door Man is a bigger thing than it is in ours, but no one mentions that, mainly because he’s an overall ridiculous character.


      3. The Star!

        Okay, you know the drill. Now let’s start talking about another universe today. It’s special, at least I think you’ll find it to be—it’s the OYEU one.
        The universe where this superhero craze going on in New York and California schools isn’t happening, and there’s more than just six plain stories. All the ones you and your many friends and colleagues have wrote over the years, Noah.
        I don’t even need to explain the details of this one. I’m pretty sure you know. I like to call it:

        The Star!

        Description: You already know what it’s about. You don’t need to know the details.

        Now, do you remember Origami Yoda Legends? Yes, lad, I know they were closed for years, and that they were reopened recently. Yes, I know. Yes, yes. Oh, um, that’s very interesting. Okay, okay, I don’t need to know the specifics!
        Anyhow…these are an interesting case. Each of them are their own little separate universes. Two of these take place in universes with kids holding horror character-themed puppets, one takes place in the real world that we live in, and there’s even one taking place in an alternate universe where they’re all in high school and have lived frankly miserable lives are seventh grade—and it goes on.
        There’s a few with Lord of the Rings characters. There’s even a reboot of one of those stories!
        Another one takes place in the real world, but it’s an unfinished script for an Origami Yoda movie.
        Aaaaand another takes place in a—okay, you know what, let’s move on before I go bloody mad.

        The Sub-Multiverse

        Description: Nothing much to say, it’s just a little group of universes bundled up next to each other in a corner of the multiverse. They exist in the Superhero One and The Star! universes, but as stories that the McQuarrie kids write about themselves to make each other look good.

        Okay, now I think we should start talking about Between The—


  4. Probably won’t start to type it until after All-New Spider-Fold is published, but that’ll probably be in some unpredictable time in September, which is soon, so…I made a full plot summary to prep!
    (Yeah, I come up with ideas that fast.)

    Now, I have two versions of the plot, because one version might be slightly controversial to you, but the other is probably completely fine.

    OrigVenom and the Legend of Knulligami

    It’s been a long while since Carnagami and more than a year since OrigVenom. Ezra is happy with life; he and Samantha are a very happy couple, Ezra is teaching his friend Chris how to be a hero, and he’s best friends again with Cal after their slow but showing falling-out in Fold 2. (I’d also probably explain how Ezra and Colt became buddies.)
    One day Ezra’s view of himself is shattered when he realizes that he’s been a hero as long as Cal or, to a sort-of stretched out extent, Andy, but few consider him one of the “big guys.” Ezra tries to stop crime in Kirby to unreasonable extent, going from one villain by one to two by two to multi-tasking, until the OrigAvengers accept him, with some hesitation.
    He realizes he made a big mistake, and juggles his role as the newest OrigAvenger, his love life, and the mentor role he has in Chris’s life.
    A new, violent (not PG-13, though) villain named Knulligami has been waiting three years to strike, ever since he was a freshman, to make matters worse. Knulligami (whose name isn’t unveiled until the very end) has a plot to take control of all students using a modified Chemical M.
    In the end, after the third act, Ezra is offered to stay with the OrigAvengers by Andy or leave.

    The other version is the same but he doesn’t accept Andy’s offer.


  5. Hey SLS, how would you feel about writing a one shot on Paper Ray Bill? It would be really helpful, actually.


      1. Kurt Blum; Because Noah is gone at the moment, I don’t know the full story of it. He asked me to ask you


      2. Peyton, I have been thinking about the plot for days, so here is a full plot summary:

        Takes place right after Thorigami 2. Kurt is framed by a new, mysterious villain. He and Dove argue, and Kurt is ultimately expelled from the realm of Wheeler. Taking refuge in Kirby, Kurt finds out that an old friend from Wheeler, Ally, the Unshreddible Hulk, resides in the school. As Kurt and Ally quarrel with Dove and his surprising new ally—Jude—the two tag-teams find out who the real villain is…Surturigami.

        I also have a backup plan which is the same except the whole “Kurt and Ally team up” thing doesn’t happen, Kurt gets suspended and not expelled, and Jude would actually have a tiny role.

        The title would be Paper Ray Bill vs. Thorigami.

        What do you think?


      3. Hey SLS, long time no see.

        I like the plot you have. However, there might have to be some significant changes; I don’t really like the idea of Kurt getting moved to Kirby. We have enough Kirby heroes as it is! If you can find some way to keep him at Wheeler, that’s the most preferable option.
        Also, Dove and Jude shouldn’t have that major of a role. They’re busy guys, always going to-and-fro. But, Ally as a main character sounds pretty fun, if in a role like Thorigami II.
        Surturigami also sounds like a cool idea, since both Beta Ray Bill and Surtur are pretty over-the-top characters. That’s a nice match. I’m interested to see what you come up with for him.
        Aside from those things, the plot’s all yours. The last thing is that, however it works, Kurt needs to end up in detention at the end. That’s the most important thing; Kurt being in detention. Don’t ask why, you’ll only get cryptic answers from me.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Hey, Noah! Long time no see! Say, why do you have a beard, a hard-working office job, and three kids? But, jokes aside, I have decided on the full plot. This is every single thing that happens in the one-shot:

        The plot is that Kurt gets suspended for a month after being framed for graffitiing in many places around Wheeler. He tries to convince Dove that he didn’t do anything wrong, but no one believes him.
        After his suspensioN, there is a chapter after that in which Dove visits the juvenile detention center where Jude is being held. Dove vents about what’s been going on since the events of Thorigami 2. While he’s still venting, Jude silently steals Stormbreaker, which leaves a few things up to interpretation.
        (That’s the only role Jude has in the story. And that’s the only major role Dove has, he appears in the last one or two chapters and stuff in a minor role. And Jude thinks about how disappointed Dove must be throughout the story.)
        One day, after school, Jude sees an old friend, Ally, now the Unshreddible Hulk at Kirby. To prove that he never even did the act in the first place, Kurt and Ally try to find out who the real villain is. This takes up most of the story, and then they find out it was Surturigami, yada-yada-yada, everyone forgives Kurt. Then he gets detention because of doing several things against the school rules while clearing his name with Ally. After detention, there is a small epilogue written by Dove of him getting a call from Andy. Andy talks about the OrigVengers having a “situation” at Kirby, and the story ends.

        The title would be Paper Ray Bill and the Unshreddible Hulk.


      5. Oh, and I’d like to put my Carnagami one-shot on hiatus because of this.
        I’ll start writing immediately. When you pick a release date, tell me.


      6. I think that looks pretty good! I still dont think Jude should steal Stormbreaker; Dove’ll need to have it for OrigAvengers II. Everything else looks great.

        Let’s say the release date is two weeks from now, July 14th.


      7. Thanks, Noah. I’ll starting writing…hmm…ToDaY.

        Prologue: May 2, 2019
        By Kurt

        “Mr. Blum, you are suspended from the school for 30 days because of—”
        “You gotta be kidding me,” I said. “I’m Paper Ray Bill. I helped save the school with Thorigami from Mailkeith a few weeks ago?”
        “You kinda saved it. I’m not supposed to bash students,” Vice Principal Brine said, “but everybody hates you and your friend Dove now. Except for the little crew you and him seemed to have built up. Anyways, I am getting off track. You are suspended from the school for 30 days because of evidence that you graffitiied the men’s bathroom, Room 7 and Room 14, and half of the gym.”
        “I wasn’t me, I swear!” I said. She showed me a couple photos on her desk, and one message in the graffiti read, “From, Kurt Blum,” at the end. In my handwriting,
        “Oh, pff, you sure you don’t remember how we kind-of saved the school? We told you Seyla Solstice was the one behind Mailkeith and that she was some origami Hela bozo. We gave you evidence, in fact—”
        “You didn’t even ‘kind-of save’ the school from anything! Seyla got elected anyway! The last time even your friend Dove was a hero was May of last year, when he stopped that Lokrease guy! I don’t know what fantasy you’re living, Kurt. But OUT. OF. THIS. OFFICE. NOW.”
        Brine said, “You’re suspended for a month, Blum. Enjoy your free time. I am so disappointed at you, so you better relish in your last day here.
        I stood still.
        I left the office.


      8. June 2, 2019
        By Dove

        “What do you want?” Jude asked, sitting on his cold bed, in his cold cell, in the Starlin County Detention Center for Juvenile Delinquents. Basically, kid jail.
        “I wanna talk,” I said. “We’re definitely not the best of friends, let alone friends at all, or even acquaintances—”
        ”I get it, you hate my guts!”

        “No. Not anymore. Listen, the whole OrigVengers thing at Kirby was ages ago. I have no reason to fight you anymore. Unless, well, once you get out of here, you return to your old ways.”
        “Why did you come to visit me?” he said.
        “To update you on things.”

        In what seemed like hours later, he said, “So…Clark is going through a rough patch, there’s a Venom guy, a Taskmaster guy, a bunch of Spider guys and gals, a Beta Ray Bill guy, and an origami Hela out there?”
        “Yeah,” I replied. “But unless you’re getting out of here today, you won’t be able to magically go back to Wheeler or Kirby, and join forces with any of the villains I just talked about.”
        “I won’t!” Jude said. “My villainy days are—mostly—over. Once I get out of here, I’m gonna have to go to either Kirby or Wheeler, the other options are trash. But I won’t cause any ruckus.”

        “Good to hear, dude. Speaking of which, that ‘Paper Ray Bill guy’ is named Kurt. He’s my friend, but he committed a crime and is suspended for a month. Was suspended for a month. He comes back today, but I wonder if he was framed. After he got the news, he seemed genuinely confused and sad.
        “Kurt? Kurt Blum? He was put in here for three or four weeks, I lost count. I always lose count nowadays. Nice kid, but he never mentioned what he did or what school he was from. All he said is that his garbage friend did nothing to defend him. He even said he’s getting out of here today!”
        “Wait, what?” I asked. “Nothing to defend him? Garbage friend? Oh no…”
        “What is it?” Jude questioned.
        “I, uh, gotta go,” Dove said. “Nice seeing you.”
        Before I heard his response, I left the cell and ran to the entrance of the center.
        I got a text from some unknown caller named Laura about bad news for both Kirby and Wheeler. I ignored it. Just junkmail.


      9. June 4, 2019
        By Kurt

        Today, both Wheeler and Kirby held an assembly. Yes, both schools.
        “Hello everyone, my name is Andy Gardner. Some of you might know me—”
        Several people that were obviously from Wheeler booed.
        “Anyways, some might know me as Captain…”

        As he talked, the guy next to me started talking.
        “I’m Cal,” he said.
        “Paper Ray Bill,” I replied.
        “Oh, then I am Spider-Fold,” he said. “I heard about the suspension through the grapevine vine—I also heard that someone else heard that someone else heard that someone else heard that Dove heard that you think he’s a bad friend.”
        “Er—is that the only thing they’ve said about me these past few weeks?” I asked. He nodded silently.

        “Darn grape vine…,” I muttered.
        “Eh, they’ve been worse to some people,” he said.
        “Like me!” Chris Fasterman said.
        “You’re a villain who wants to get at Ezra Cronin badly for no apparent reason,” Cal said. “You deserve that gossip.”
        “Not me, though!” a guy who was carrying a pet guinea pig said. “Did you hear the snickering after the wrestling season ended? Ah, well, y’know what, it was an okay season, we had a couple ups, too, not all downs. Right, Squeak?”
        The guinea pig grunted.

        “Or me!” a full-grown man with a monkey puppet said.
        “Hey! Not here, Mister Funny-Funny Clean Guy!” Clark said from a billion seats away. “Not today! Get outta here!”
        “#$%@^&*€/(&$%!” the monkey said. “He’s not called that!”
        “And take your lemur, too!”

        “…is if all of the people are on the same side. So…give peace a chance, maybe?” Andy said, finished with his speech. Everyone clapped, including me and Cal, who barely heard anything.
        “And now, the Wheeler Wresting Club with talks about next season.”
        As the guy with the guinea pig and a few other dudes got up, Cal spotted a couple students with various Spider-Man and symbiote puppets.
        “Ah, that’s my jam,” Cal said. “Nice to meet you, Paper Ray Bill.”
        When he walked away, another person sat down next to me. I realized quickly that it was Ally Weber.
        “Oh, hey, it’s the Hulk,” I said.
        “Hey, aren’t you the guy who hates Dove with all your guts?”
        “Oh, what the heck.”


      10. Group Chat
        Recorded from [REDACTED]’s phone

        GN: The attempt was successful. The freshman with the origami reptilian version of Thor has been suspended for 30 days. One less hero to go.

        SS: Good. I heard he, Largent’s little brother, and Weber were spotted talking together last night. Make sure that doesn’t become a thing.

        GN: Will do. And then, after that, We will have not one hero down, but three!

        SS: Good. Oh, and I gotta go. Me and Trent are having a date tonight at the very edge of town, so no one spots us. Report to me tomorrow.


      11. June 8, 2019
        By Kurt

        “Someone is playing an elaborate trick on everyone in Kirby and Wheeler, Ally,” I said. “H.Y.D.E. was the reason behind many events good and bad, but so far we’ve discovered only the H and S in T.H.A.N.O.S. And we still have no clues to any of their motives or anything. Do you…”
        “Uh, Kurt, I was supposed to be at Kirby minutes ago. It’s 8:25,” Ally said. “I’m gonna get moving.”
        “Listen…Ally…I need your help. I didn’t do all that graffiti. I need to figure out who did, why they had or have my handwriting, and why they framed me,” Kurt said.

        “So you’re asking me to skip school for one day just to go on a wild goose chase with you, a person I met yesterday?”” she asked.
        “Yup! And I’m feeling energetic today, so let’s get searching for clues!”
        “You looked pretty tired last night,” Ally remarked. “What happened?”
        I pointed to the 4 bags of share-size M&Ms in my pockets.
        “Well, now I know you’re gonna be a bother for the rest of the day,” she said.
        “So let’s go!”

        An hour later, we had searched the whole autotorium. The janitor noticed us one time, but I saw him shrug and keep on sweeping his broom across the floor. The guy left, thankfully.
        Then a kid spotted us. Not a staff member, a kid.
        He ran up to me, and it looked like he was gonna give me a hug, but instead, he pinned me to the wall, holding me by the shirt.

        “Kurt Blum, son of someone.”
        “My father’s name is actually Rob. By the way, what’s your name?”
        “Gerald, son of someone.”
        “My father’s name is actually Frank.”
        “Gerald, son of Frank.”
        I knew two things by the looks of this guy: he was up to something, and that his breath smelled like cabbage.


      12. Jun 8, 2019: Part 2
        By Kurt

        “Who are you?” I said.
        “Gerald McNealy. But my friends call me Surturigami.”
        He let go of me and pulled out a Surtur puppet from his back pocket.
        “Oh, the guy from Ragnarok who had, like, five minutes of screentime and became the size of a building at the end?” I asked.
        “The size of a mountain! Why does everyone forget that?”

        Ally spoke up and said, “Why are you here? Are you from Wheeler or Kirby?”
        “Are you even from Wheeler, miss?”
        No,” she sighed, “but you dodged the question.”
        “Dodging what question?”
        “I just asked if you were from this school, but then you…”
        “Sorry, I was busy TALKING TO THE OTHER PERSON. Don’t interrupt while people with space-themed puppets are talking.”
        “See? He’s dodging it, Kurt!”
        “No, he’s not.”
        “Yeah, I’m not.”

        “But either way,” Kurt said. “I was framed for a terrible thing, and I definitely think you might have answers.”
        “Trust me, I don’t,” he said, sitting down, with the Surtur puppet in his hand. But on the backside, something was written down.
        “What’s that on the back of your origami?” Ally asked.
        “Oh,” he said. “I sometimes like to remind myself of my motives. I’m a busy person.”
        “Wow, this is the first supervillain I’ve known who does this,” Ally said.
        I said, “And this is only my second villain!”

        “But seriously, let me check that out.” Ally snatched Surturigami from Gerald’s hand and flipped it over again. “Kurt…these are all of the letters in the alphabet in your handwriting.”
        “It was you!” I yelled.
        “I aim to impress,” Gerald said, “but run along now, because one of you is the enemy, and the other is supposed to be in class. Well, not anymore.”
        The bell rang. Gerald ran away. And we ran after him.

        That was a mistake.


      13. [NOTE: Hey, pal. When you or some other mod copy-and-paste this story to whatever document you have, can you kind of switch the dates of June 8, 2019 Part 1 and Part 2 to June 5, 2019? Thanks.]

        June 6, 2019
        By Kurt

        That day, we got in huge trouble. To shorten it down, we were caught. I have detention today, and Ally does too. In both Wheeler and Kirby. Honestly, I think she’s super mad at me, which is kind of reasonable.
        I still have the Surturigami puppet. Tonight I was fiddling with it in my bedroom when I accidentally unfolding some of it. I saw very faint words underneath. I kept unfolding, and there were tons of notes inside of Gerald’s puppet.

        One note read “Gotta report to Seyla by tonight.” Another was “Reminder: Must destroy both Wheeler and Kirby from the inside by the end of the school year.” When I read the second one, I wondered why he put that note in such detail? But I’m getting off track. After that, I made a call.


      14. The Dream Team
        By Kurt, Dove, Cal, and Ally

        Dove: I got a strange call from Kurt a few minutes ago. He asked me if I have Clark’s phone number, and then he said, “I’ll be at your house right away.” He hung up.

        Kurt: Yeah, I did! After that, me and Dove went to Clark’s house at 10:30, and interrupted Clark in the middle of his daily sobbing while eating a bucket of ice cream. He called Cal to the door, and honestly, Cal, you looked tired out of your mind.

        Cal: I was sleeping, dude!

        Ally: After that, they went to my house and woke me up. Oh, and, uh, yeah, I still don’t even know what this is about.

        Kurt: See, Dove, Cal, me and Ally figured out who framed me a month ago. It came at a price, for both me and Ally, yes, but we know who.

        Ally: Gerald McNealy, who has—or had—a Surtur puppet.

        Kurt: Before I called Dove, I accidentally unfolded the puppet, and one of the many notes I found in there read that Gerald reports back to Seyla.

        Dove: Seyla Solstice?

        Cal: The person who went kissy-kissy with Trent?

        Kurt: Yeah, her.

        Dove: Then tomorrow, you, Kurt, will expose Gerald with the help of Cal and Ally.

        Kurt: Why not you?

        Dove: I have a few more important things to do.

        Kurt: Like what?

        [Dove McLeash has left the chat.]

        Ally: Ah, well.

        Cal: That sucks, man. But hey, you have us, right? Right?

        Cal: Oh, and what’s with all the cryptic journal entries with the date as the title?

        Kurt: Oh, stop.


      15. June 7, 2019
        By Kurt

        All three of us met at the doors of Wheeler High School today, ten minutes before school started. We didn’t see Seyla, but Gerald was there.
        “I knew you would find out,” Gerald said. “Me and my…employer…suspected you would form a little team, Kurt. She’s inside, talking to her friends. And I’m not gonna let you get to her.”

        “Then you’ll have to get through me,” Ally said, and she start running in Gerald’s direction.
        “Easy.” Gerald walked out of Ally’s way and she tumbled on the ground and onto the grass.
        Gerald then picked Ally up and placed her back where she was, outside of the school grounds.
        “For a person who has a Hulk puppet, you’re very short.”
        “Hey, fire-head!” Cal said. “I’m over here!” He ran into the school, and I threw Surturigami unfolded to him. But Gerald caught it, quickly redfolded it, and ran after Cal.

        “Wait, it looks like you didn’t fold him completely,” I said. “By doing that, you made him look bigger.”
        “I call…the 5-Fold Surturigami. And I told you he’d be the size of a mountain!”
        I said, “It’s only the size of your shoe. Oh, and by the way, while we were talking, Ally and Cal ran into the school. They’re probably close to Seyla by now.
        “About that…”


      16. Conclusion
        By Kurt and Dove

        Kurt: That’s how me and Dove ended up in detention. Yeah, what a totally great way to end a Friday. Oh, and me and Dove cleared things up with each other in detention and we’re friends again. Right, Dove?

        Dove: Yeah! And Kurt said that he did not interact with Jude at all in the Detention Center, and he thinks he was probably lying. I wonder what other things Jude lied about?

        Kurt: We’re gonna try our best to stop Foldnarok, and we think we’re gonna do a pretty decent job. But without Ally and Cal. They went back to Kirby, obviously.

        Dove: And Seyla just got a long lecture. She’s still class president. Currently we’re writing this in detention, and—oh no, the Vice Principal is waking up! Gotta go!


      17. Epilogue #1: Ezra and I
        By Cal

        We were walking home from school today, and I asked Ezra why this Chris Fasterman guy keeps stalking him and carrying around this bright red Carnage puppet. Ezra said he honestly doesn’t know, and that Chris is probably just a “Sandwich who’s bread expired a month ago.” Then he stuffed a peanut butter sandwich in his face.

        Those were words of wisdom.


      18. Epilogue #2: A Call
        By Dove

        “Dove, I feeling like something going to happen,” Ally said. “It doesn’t feel like Foldnarok. I think that’s gonna be contained at Wheeler, thanks to you and Kurt. But…I just feel like…”
        “I know, after F.O.L.D. collapsed and Andy’s speech, it’s been tough for all of us. But the students in both Kirby and Wheeler are starting to find a route to peace.”

        “So, why did you take me to this Boba shop today?” Ally said. “Something happened over at Wheeler? My days there are done. Even if Kurt asks me again.”
        “I need to discuss something with you,” I said. “You’re right, I feel like something will happen, too. I’m expecting a call from—”
        My phone rang.
        “There it is.”

        “Andy,” I asked. “What is it?”
        “It’s bigger than you think, Dove. We have a situation.”

        THE END


      19. [NOTE: Sorry, I mistakenly wrote June 7, 2019 under your new comment. Remember, it’s the chapter before the “Conclusion” one by Dove and Kurt.]


    1. I like it so far! We’ll probably have to do the standard story edits, but so far it’s pretty good. I particularly liked the ‘Son of etc.’ exchange.


      1. Jun 7, 2019: Part 2
        By Kurt

        Seyla walked out of school, dragging Cal and Ally behind her.
        “Now you will be destroyed by the wrath of Origami Hela and Surturigami!” Gerald said.
        “Seyla,” I said. “Long time no see.”
        “Eh, that’s kind of a good thing in my opinion,” Seyla said.
        “Hey, did you know about Gerald’s true motives? Here…”

        I grabbed the big 5-Fold Surturigami and I unfolded it. “Behold! The crumpled origami scroll of truth!”
        “Seyla read it aloud, “Destroy Wheeler and Kirby….from the inside….by end of the school year? Gerald?”
        “Blum!” Gerald said.
        “McNealy, you’re relieved of all duties.”
        “Okay then,” Gerald said. “I will follow that last command, Seyla, but listen here. I will relieve myself of all duties but my own: destroy Wheeler and Kirby!”

        Gerald tore Surturigami from Seyla’s hand and refolded it.
        “Okay, now it’s even bigger!” Cal said.
        “It’s the size of a mounta—”
        Cal cut him off. “But now it’s only the size of both your shoes.”
        “Shut up, Largent. Now, look at me, all of you. I will bring about Foldnarok, the end of everything origami in Wheeler and Kirby!”
        “Not if we have anything to say about it,” Ally said. Me, her, Cal, and Seyla were ready to take on Gerald and his stupid puppet.

        “Even I believe only one school should survive, McNealy, but man, this is cruel,” Seyla said.
        “Life is cruel,” Gerald said. He came walking to us, and Ally and Seyla placed the Unshreddible Hulk and Origami Hela on their fingers. Gerald pushed Ally a couple feet away and ripped Hela in half.
        “Foldnarok is coming to Wheeler first, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”
        “I don’t think so.”

        From behind me and Cal, Dove had Thorigami, the Lord of Folders, on his finger.
        “MacLeash, you came,” Surturigami said with happiness in his voice. “The more heroes I take down, the better. Soon there will be nothing to defend Wheeler and Kirby! By the way, your precious F.O.L.D. is corrupt, Dove, and I didn’t even have to do the dirty work! Foldnarok is inevitable.”

        “Foldnarok may be in the works, but we’re in post-production!” Dove said. He flicked his paper Stormbreaker at Surturigami. It just fell on the ground.
        I said, “Dude, you honestly thought that would leave a scratch?”
        “Forget this,” Gerald said. “I’ll be back. Thanks to Seyla, I will not be able to reach my goal of destroying both schools by the end of the year. It was impossible to do it by then, anyways. But Foldnarok will happen eventually, wait and see. Come back to this spot, at the same time, on this day, next year. I will meet you there, and all I will say is…I told you so.”

        “Kurt! Ally! Dove! Largent’s brother! And Seyla?” said Vice Principal Brine. “Two of you were supposed to be at Kirby half an hour ago, and Kurt, it seems you and Dove are causing a ruckus again! And Seyla, I am disappointed. I will be sending you, Ally, and you, Largent, back to Kirby where you will have detention after the day is done, while you three will stay for detention here!”
        “Oh, c’mon, punish Gerald, too,” I said, but when I looked to where Gerald was, he disappeared.


      1. Oh, I was kinda thinking, “OrigVenom fights Carnagami,” “Cal gets a lesser role in this one to focus more on Ezra,” “Develop Ezra and Samantha’s relationship more because I rushed through it in the first one.”

        Stuff that OrigVenom 1 set up, y’know.


      2. His wielder’s name is Chris Fasterman, and he is a former member of the L.I.F.E. Science Club who didn’t agree with his former lab partner, Karl Blonsky Jr.’s, intentions.

        Now, he is starting to agree with his lab partner’s plans, and as the fall of the L.I.F.E. Science Club begins, the era of the Red begins. The Red are consisted of people with different variations of origami Carnages and origami Venoms. They plan to do the same thing the L.I.F.E. planned to do: begin the reign of origami symbiotes and end the reign of the OrigAvengers.

        The L.I.F.E. Science Club’s plans were never specifically told in OrigVenom 1, so here they are. The L.I.F.E. and its successor, the Red, both think origami symbiotws would overpower the OrigAvengers.

        With the chemicals introduced in OrigVenom 1 making subjects believe the origami symbiotes are increasing their ability to fight and their strength, the Red could build a whole army.

        That’s what Ezra plans to stop in OrigVenom 2.


      3. Carnagami: Chapter 1
        By Chris

        Everybody is a villain in someone else’s story. That’s what they say. Well, I have no villain in my story. Because I’m the villain.
        June 23rd, 2018. A day that all trouble-makers and bullies in Kirby and Wheeler try to forget. The day Iron-Fold, one of the long-gone OrigAvengers, came back. Of course, now Iron-Fold, Captain Americut, the Inshreddible Hulk, and all those others are too busy to deal with the small things going on in the school-yard. I mean, in Wheeler, they have Thorigami and his peeps, the New Foldants, but this is Kirby, right?
        The only people I know of so far that care of the little things in Kirby are Cal Largent, brother of Iron-Fold, and Ezra Cronin. But I don’t mind them, because nowadays Ezra is busy doing stuff with his girlfriend and Cal is busy doing stuff with his Fortnite squad, who also have Spider-Man-based puppets. It’s so easy to do stuff nowadays in Kirby, because all the heroes are too busy with personal matters. I mean, once Ezra tried to stop me when I was trying to rip up a library book, and I was about to escape, but he tripped me by accident, giving him time to get help.
        One day I got really bored. I decided one day to chill at Wheeler after school ended both there and at Kirby. Surprisingly, no one knew who I was. Chris Fasterman? Student of Kirby who likes to vandalize stuff in school and pressure other kids into doing what he wants? No? Nothing? Strange.
        Apparently, Dove and his team, The New Foldants, don’t know me either. Am I really that unknown? The heroes of Kirby really are more focused on personal issues!
        We went to the QuikPick, got a few gross pork rinds, threw them away after tasing them, walked around a bit, and then went our spereate ways.
        Sometimes I wonder if I’m not so cut out for no-good. No, no…I definitely am, right? Right? Yeah, I am! In fact, I’ll prove it! I need to get a hero’s attention. But which one? Hmm…


      4. Carnagami: Chapter 2
        By Chris

        Ezra Cronin. Sidekick of Cal Largent. Person who became OrigVenom. I should get his attention! And I know exactly the thing…
        So last night, I was writing an email saying a whole bunch of bad things that Ezra didn’t actually do. I was going to email it to everyone in school.
        “Oh, imagine if Ezra saw this! Yep, he would pummel me. He would finally get his head out of the clouds and come back to actually being a superhero, but only to pummel me! Then he’d go back to dealing with the infinite list of personal issues he has. Heh! Pathetic. Ezra, Ezra, Ezra. All like the other heroes. He did have a tiny bit of villain potential.”
        I pressed ‘send.’ But then I looked closer…I accidentally emailed it to Ezra and Ezra only!
        “Oh no, oh no, oh no!” I said. “I think I said the word “Ezra” too many times!”
        The next day, Ezra came up to me at lunch. He had OrigVenom on his finger. I called it! After this, he’s probably not gonna fight another villain for the next two weeks.
        “I got your email last night,” he said. “Were you planning to send it to the whole school or something?”
        “Wow, you’re a little bit smarter than you look,” I replied. He then scowled at me. “Aren’t you precious,” I added.
        He then left, still scowling, but then I grabbed his precious little OrigVenom puppet and ripped it into shreds. “Listen, tough guy,” I said, “the email thing didn’t work, but this will. I broke your precious puppet. Look at me rubbing my fingers all over the shredded bits left. Look at me throwing all the remains into the trash can. Watch me kick the trash can, then try to find as many remains as I can, and see me throw them in my mouth, chew them a little, and spit it out, again, into the trash can.”
        “I…I…,” Ezra stuttered. He couldn’t say anything. Then I just walked away. He didn’t even try to get me.
        “Why did I ever doubt I was evil,” I said out loud to myself. “Of course I’m evil!”
        But then I stopped. I felt something weird in my body. Did I accidentally swallow some paper? Ew. Was Ezra sick? Ew. Both choices were too gross to process.
        Weird things started to happen with my vision. It got blurry, then clear, then blurry, the clear again. I craved something…water.
        “WATER!” I shouted, grabbing someone’s water bottle, opening the cap, and chugging it all down at once.
        “Hey! What’s your problem?” The kid said. I ignored him, threw the water bottle behind me, and left.
        “I NEED MORE!” I yelled out. I went to the sink in the bathroom, and drank straight from it. Yes, I drank all that dirty, lead-filled water. It tasted so good in that type of situation. I needed all the water I can get.
        Then I finally came to my senses. A little bit. I need a disguise, at least! I just realized if I do this, I need to make sure that almost no one sees that I’m doing it. Coincidentally, I found some kid’s hoodie on the ground.
        I was running around, chugging down all the water I could find in the whole building, while wearing a hoodie that didn’t even fit. But then I saw something weird…a group of trees all bundled up together near the yard. I wondered if there was some abandoned water bottle that rolled in there. A ridiculous thought, but I was literally going insane.
        I, very slowly, walked into the bundle of trees, not wanting to get poked by thorns. I saw a—probably dry—red sharpie, resting on the ground, without a cap. Oh, and some origami finger puppet that looked a lot like OrigVenom, but with bigger teeth drawn on, and it was a dark gray color, not black.
        What if I just randomly colored this thing red?, I thought. So I picked up the sharpie and the puppet. Surprisingly, the sharpie worked. And I colored it red.
        “Huh,” I said. “I think I’ll keep this. It looks funny.” I said.


      5. Carnagami: Chapter 3
        By Chris

        This is all I heard of their conversation.
        “Hello? Are you awake?”
        “Hey, Shirley, is he okay?”
        “He looks passed out.”
        “Doesn’t everyone, these days? With the F.O.L.D. guy and the student body president dating and all?”
        “Eh, sure. And what’s the thing on his hand?”
        “It looks like some sort of Venom origami. Wait! Is this Ezra Cronin? Howard, we found Ezra Cronin in the bushes! But why is he passed out?”
        “School’s been over for half an hour, Shirl. Our parents are calling us from the car. Should we take him?”
        “I mean…the school closes in two hours. So, maybe we should, uh, take him?”


        “What? Where am I?” I asked.
        “In our house, dummy,” a girl with curly brown hair said, and this boy who looked sort of like her was behind her.
        “My name’s Howard, my little sister’s name is Shirley,” Howard said. “We told our parents that your parents gave you permission for a sleepover. We realized that you definitely aren’t Ezra Cronin, by the way. But we wonder who your little red origami friend is.”
        He threw my red symbiote puppet at me. “Who is it? An origami Scream?”
        “Ripped in half by Cronin’s girlfriend,” I said.
        “Origami Toxin?”
        “I think Cronin’s girl gave it back to Largent and he threw it in the trash,” I answered.
        “Origami Pork Grind?”
        I yelled, “Do you see long paperish ears and a snout on this?”
        “There’s only one other symbiote it can be,” Howard said. “An origami Carnage.”
        “Yes! Totally. It’s totally Carnage. It’s called, uh, it’s called…Carnagami! Yeah! Carnagami. Now can you let me go, and I will crawl out the window and outside of this house. Then I can go back to my house and sleep in peace. Got it?”
        “It’s 90 degrees out there and I think you’re too tired to walk more than 10 feet out of this house. You’re in for the night,” Shirley said.
        “That’s not true,” I said, but I was sitting on the ground, and I hadn’t walked a foot during my whole conversation with them. Everything went black.


      6. Carnagami: Chapter 1 (slightly edited)
        By Chris

        Everybody is a villain in someone else’s story. That’s what they say. Well, I have no villain in my story. Because I’m the villain.

        2018. It’s a year that all trouble-makers and bullies in Kirby and Wheeler have tried to forget, because it’s the year the long-gone OrigAvengers, came back. Of course, now Iron-Fold, Captain Americut, the Unshreddible Hulk, and all those others are too busy to deal with the small things going on in the school-yard.
        Of course, they don’t have to forget it anymore.The good thing these days is that the big heroes have their heads stuck in the clouds. You punch someone in the mouth, Spider-Fold is hanging out with his friends. You break into someone’s locker, Hawkpleat is eating a sloppy joe. It’s so easy to do stuff now, that I sort of miss those days of suffering.
        One day I got really bored. I decided one day to chill at Wheeler after school. Unsurprisingly, no one knew who I was. Chris Fasterman? That guy from KIrby who likes to vandalize and pressure other kids into doing what he wants? No? Nothing? Typical.
        I hung out with some Wheeler students for a bit. We shared plenty of stories with each other, laughed at each other’s bad jokes, and just had fun. Like normal people.
        Sometimes I wonder if I’m not so cut out for no-good. No, no…I definitely am, right? Right? Yeah, I am! In fact, I’ll prove it! I need to get a hero’s attention. But which one? Hmm…


      7. Carnagami: Chapter 2 (slightly edited)
        By Chris

        Ezra Cronin. Sidekick of Cal Largent. OrigVenom. I should get his attention! And I know exactly the thing…
        So last night, I was writing an email saying a whole bunch of bad things that Ezra didn’t actually do. I was going to email it to everyone in school.
        “Oh, imagine if Ezra saw this! Yep, he would pummel me. Then he’d go back to dealing with the infinite list of personal issues he has.”
        I sighed.
        “He had a lot of villain potential. All wasted. Poor Ezra. Ezra, Ezra, Ezra.”
        I pressed ‘send.’ But then I looked closer…I accidentally emailed it to Ezra and Ezra only!
        “Oh no, oh no, oh no!” I said. “I think I said his name too many times!”

        The next day, Ezra came up to me at lunch.
        “I got your email last night,” he said. “Were you planning to send it to the whole school or something?”
        “Wow, you’re a little bit smarter than you look,” I replied. He then scowled at me. “Aren’t you precious,” I added.
        He then left, still scowling, but then I grabbed his precious little OrigVenom puppet and ripped it into shreds. “Listen, tough guy,” I said, “the email thing didn’t work, but this will. I broke your precious puppet. Look at me rubbing my fingers all over the shredded bits left. Look at me throwing all the remains into the trash can. Watch me kick the trash can, then try to find as many remains as I can, and see me throw them in my mouth, chew them a little, and spit it out, again, into the trash can.”
        “I…I…,” Ezra stuttered. He couldn’t say anything. “I’m not stuttering because you ripped my 100% replaceable puppet friend. I’m stuttering because you just touched the wrong origami.”
        I felt something weird in my body. Did I accidentally swallow some paper? Ew. Was Ezra sick? Ew. Both choices were too gross to process.
        Weird things started to happen with my vision. It got blurry, then clear, then blurry, the clear again. I craved something…water.
        “WATER!” I shouted, grabbing someone’s water bottle, opening the cap, and chugging it all down at once.
        “Hey! What’s your problem?” The kid groaned. I ignored him, threw the water bottle behind me, and left.
        “I NEED MORE!” I yelled out. I went to the sink in the bathroom, and drank straight from it. Yes, I drank all that dirty, lead-filled water. It tasted so good in that type of situation. I needed all the water I can get.
        Then I finally came to my senses. A little bit. I need a disguise, at least! I just realized that if I do this, I need to make sure that almost no one sees that I’m the one who’s doing it. Coincidentally, I found some kid’s hoodie on the ground.
        I was running around, chugging down all the water I could find in the whole building, while wearing a hoodie that didn’t even fit. But then I saw something weird…a group of trees all bundled up together near the yard. I wondered if there was some abandoned water bottle that rolled in there. A ridiculous thought, but I was literally going insane.
        I, very slowly, walked into the bundle of trees, not wanting to get poked by thorns. I saw a—probably dry—red sharpie, resting on the ground, without a cap. Oh, and some origami finger puppet that looked a lot like that OrigVenom puppet, but with bigger teeth drawn on, and it was a dark gray color, not black.
        What if I just randomly colored this thing red?, I thought. So I picked up the sharpie and the puppet. Surprisingly, the sharpie worked. And I colored it red.
        “Huh,” I said. “I think I’ll keep this. It looks funny.” I said.

        And then I blacked out.


      8. Carnagami: Chapter 2.5
        By Chris

        I woke up in a red, shadowy-looking realm. There was not a single structure. Not a single house, building, not even a cottage. There were no animals. No plants. No sun. Just red nothingness.

        Carnage appeared just 10 feet away from me. You know, Venom’s arch-nemesis in the comics.
        Except this Carnage was made of paper. I walked a little bit closer to Carnage. He was made of hundreds of thousands of tiny little origami Carnages. They looked exactly like that gray Venom puppet I colored red.
        “Listen, kid, we’re inside your mind. I don’t want to be, though. Honestly, I really don’t belong here,” Paper Carnage said. “I belong to Ez–”

        I blacked out. Again.


      9. People black out a lot in your stories.

        Looking good so far! If you can get it done soon, by the weekend or so, this could be posted in the first round of Fold 3 content!


      10. I know. I’m going to introduce this story element later in the story, but I’ll tell it to you now: Right after you’re infected with the chemical that OrigVenom was covered in (I call it Chemical M), your vision and strength are increased a bit (as shown in OrigVenom), and everyone experiences some sort of vision right after they become infected. It’s different for everyone. Ezra’s vision was just OrigVenom’s voice telling him to cooperate, and he just might survive. Chris is experiencing a red landscape of nothing, with a full-scale Carnage made out of paper screaming for his life.

        (And that whole “perfect match” thing in the 2018 Venom movie? And how the symbiote dies and goes rough on the victim if he/she isn’t a match? Well, Chris isn’t a perfect match like Ezra, so as OrigVenom is transferred into his body, he goes crazy for a short period of time, and blacks out several different times in the story. Ezra only went black once in his one-shot.)


      11. Carnagami: Chapter 3 (slightly edited)
        By Chris

        “Hello? Are you awake?”
        “Hey, Shirley, is he okay?”
        “He looks passed out.”
        “Doesn’t everyone, these days?”
        “It looks like some sort of Venom origami. Wait! Is this Ezra Cronin? Howie, we found Ezra Cronin in the bushes! But why is he passed out?”
        “School’s been over for half an hour, Shirl. Our parents are calling us from the car. Should we take him?”
        “I mean…the school closes in two hours. So, maybe we should, uh, take him?”


        “What? Where am I?” I asked.
        It looked like someone’s bedroom. A brother and sister were hiding behind their bed. Probably from me.
        “In our house, dummy,” the sister said.
        “My name’s Howard, my little sister’s name is Shirley,” the brother said. “We told our parents that your parents gave you permission for a sleepover. They didn’t even notice you were passed out, because my makeup-master of a sister over here drew fake eyes on you with her, well, makeup. We realized that you definitely aren’t Ezra Cronin, by the way. But we wonder who your little red origami friend is.”
        I noticed the Carnage puppet on my finger, after all these hours.
        “Who is it? An origami Scream?” Shirley questioned.
        “Ripped in half by Cronin’s girlfriend,” I said.
        “Origami Toxin?”
        “I think Cronin’s girl threw it in the trash,” I answered.
        “Origami Pork Grind?”
        I yelled, “Does this look like a pig?”
        “There’s only one other symbiote I can think of that it can be,” Howard said. “An origami Carnage.”
        “Yes! Totally. It’s totally Carnage. It’s called, uh, it’s called…Carnagami! Yeah! Carnagami. Now can you let me go, and I will crawl out the window and outside of this house. Then I can go back to my house and sleep in peace. Got it?”
        “It’s freezing cold out there, and I think you’re too tired to walk more than 10 feet out of this house. You’re in for the night,” Shirley said.
        “That’s not true,” I said, but I was sitting on the ground, and I hadn’t walked a foot during my whole conversation with them. Everything in the room went black. For the 1000th time.


      12. My Old Ex-Friend
        By Ezra

        It was a sunny Saturday morning. I met Colt Melville and Cal Largent at New Grounds Coffee & Tea. Sure, the building was aging rapidly, and their tea and coffee tastes like expired cough syrup, but it’s the only place I know other than Starbucks.
        “Hey, man,” Colt said. “Look what I made.” He held an origami version of the ’80s Secret Wars Symbiote Suit.
        “Cool, man,” I said. “But the reason you had to make a new puppet is why I’m here. Yesterday, a student named Chris Fasterman got infected with that gooey chemical that covered the OrigVenom origami. He threw him in the trash, put him in his mouth, and spit him out into the trash again.
        When Chris did what he did, he transferred OrigVenom and all his powers inside of himself.
        Now he’s probably running rampant somewhere.”
        Cal got up from his seat. “I’m leaving. None of this has to involve me, Cronin.”
        “Listen, it’s already been engraved into my brain, Cal. Don’t rub it in any further.”
        “What the %$#@^& is going on here?” Colt asked.
        “We were fighting some senior that day. He scratched Cal in the eye and even I wasn’t able to stop him, with my strength and everything. You lost all respect for me, Cal, I know, OK? You think I’m a weirdo who attracts all these troublemakers. But I’m not. What I’m trying to say is, help your old ex-friend out, just once. Please.”
        Cal was silent. He sat back down.
        “Great. Now, Colby, you know everything about every tough guy in Kirby like the back of your hand, correct?”
        “Where in the world is Karl Blonsky Jr. now?”


      13. A Phone Call With Evil
        By Ezra

        “Hi, Karl, it’s Ezra. The guy who made you move to Virginia.”
        “Ezra, oh, I remember you, weren’t you the one with Venom and I had Riot and we fought and there was a battle and I went insane and threw Riot into the bushes and–”
        “Yes, Karl, we all know. You invented the chemical that coverered my pupp–”
        “Chemical M?”
        “Okay then, I guess it’s about time it had a name. So, since you invented Chemical M, is there a way to reverse it?”
        “Oh, just mix liquid soap with water. Easy as can be. It’s a simple cure, I know.”
        Cal spoke up. “Wait, Ezra…do you wash your hands with soap and water, or just water?”
        I looked awkwardly at him.
        “Ew, man,” he said.
        “Well, my friend Dwight is coming over soon! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!”

        He hung up.

        “Why do you want to cure Chemical M?” Colt asked. “Isn’t that the opposite of what you should be doing?”
        “See, after I get my hands on Chris, I’ll transmit OrigVenom to myself, and then I’ll make him drink the antidote. Problem solved.”
        “Sounds &*^%$#@ like it!” Colt said. He high-fived me.
        “Watch the language around me, OK?” I said. “Starting now.”


      14. Carnagami: Chapter 5
        By Chris

        2 WEEKS LATER…

        “Clark, the keys!”
        “Howard, Shirley. I got the keys,” I said into my earplug.
        That Iron-Fold kid looked up from his phone. I was happily stealing the keys to the F.O.L.D. file room.
        “Great, Chris. Swerve right. NOW!”
        Iron-Fold threw his phone at me.
        “What the–”
        It hit me right in the head.
        I fell onto the floor. Seems like I had lost.
        “Hey, Chris, where are you? Did they catch you?” I heard Shirley say. There was a bit of static in her voice, so I think the phone may have hit the plug as well.

        I rubbed my forehead and got up from the ground. I was fine. Yeah, totally fine. I rushed through the file-room door.
        “Chris [short static] the C files are [short static] in front of [short static] you! [long static]”
        I kept running, and I heard Iron-Fold and some kid who looked just like him arguing…while I made it to the file I was looking for.
        “Yes!” I proudly held Ezra’s file up to my face. “Now I have the perfect thing to destroy Ezra Cronin and OrigVenom!”
        I heard some static in my ear, followed by Howard’s voice. “Oh, hey, Chris. We were offline for a minute, though we don’t know why. Sorry ’bout that.”
        Iron-Fold and the kid started to run towards me. The kid had his arms out, trying to block my way out of the door. I ducked way down and made it through the door when–
        Iron-Fold caught me by the legs.
        “Okay, Fasterman, let’s bring you to the office.”

        I lost.


      15. NOTE: I mistakenly wrote “Chapter 5” instead of “Chapter 6” on the last chapter. Thanks.

        By Ezra

        “Okay, sad squirrel bois, first you need to mix the botox with the sodium chloride–”
        “You mean salt?” Cal asked.
        “Yes, weird-looking pineapple man. Salt. Next, add a pint of milk to the mixture. Gentle, GENTLE, Ezra! This is my life’s work! Then, add hydrogen peroxide with rubbing alcohol, plus the churned extract of cow’s milk–”
        “You mean butter?” Cal asked.
        “Yes, half a stick of butter. Now mix, mix, mix, yes, good, like that, and then…you’re done! Bye!”
        Karl hung up.
        “Chemical M contains a whole lot of dairy,” Colt joked. “But seriously, remind me why we’re also MAKING Chemical M?”
        “To experiment,” I replied. “We already tested out the antidote without you. I’m cured from all thing OrigVenom as of now. But we have to contact OrigVenom. Karl and I deduced that, just like the actual alien symbiotes in the 2018 Venom movie, some people are a lucky match to OrigVenom, while others, well, aren’t. Karl theorized that since OrigVenom is in Chris, who probably isn’t a very good host, he’s stuck deep inside Chris’s mind, trapped.”
        “How will we contact OrigVenom using Chemical M, anyway?” Colt said.
        I replied, “We need a physical body, contaminated by Chemical M, to reach out to OrigVenom. Cal? Colt? Anyone?”

        There was a silence. “I’ll do it,” said Colt. “I’m the one who met Karl BLlonsky Jr. that fateful night. All of this is my fault.”
        “No,” Cal said, looking me right in the eye. “You gave me this scar, Ezra. But you’re still my friend.”
        He pulled out Spider-Fold.
        “Thanks, Cal. Now, drink every drop of Chemical M in the flask. You might see things, feel very drowsy, and after a couple seconds, you’ll pass out. Then you will come into contact.”
        “Got it.”



      16. The Vision
        By Cal, OrigVenom and Chris

        “Gosh darn it, I can’t believe I lost,” I said.
        “You’ll have better luck next time,” Howard said.
        “You know what, maybe you’re righ–”

        Who are you?
        Cal Largent. Where is OrigVenom.
        You mean Carnagami? Over there, crying in the corner. He’s giving me the same powers as Ezra, but I’m afraid he doesn’t come out and talk to me as much as he did with Ezra.
        What the–is that you?
        GO AWAY!
        I’m not leaving without you.
        Yeah. Ezra and I have been trying to get you back for weeks.
        Carnagami, don’t listen to him!
        My name is OrigVenom.
        I’m gonna get you for that, Largent. Now, in fact.
        Not today.
        “wke p.”
        “wake up.”
        “Wake up.”
        “Wake up!”
        “Cal, wake up!”

        “I’m up, I’m up,” I said.
        “Cal?” I asked.
        “Oh, no, this is OrigVenom. Where am I?”
        “My house,” Colt said. “Cal, why are you acting so strange?”
        I looked at my hands. They were human.
        “AHHH. I don’t really know how to explain this. Ezra, I’m…OrigVenom. I guess Cal brought me back with him, and now he’s the one stuck in his own mind.”
        “Okay then,” Ezra said. We’ll try sort this out later. Until then, R.I.P. Cal. Now let’s go get Fasterman!”


      17. NOTE: Can you edit that ‘“Cal?” I asked’ at the end of the last chapter into ‘“Cal?” Ezra asked’.
        Thanks again.

        Carnagami: Chapter—oh, forget it! They got him back!
        By Chris

        “No!” I said. Everything was blurry, then clear, then blurry, then clear again. I was in a hospital bed. Howard and Shirley were in front of me, and I saw their parents and mine in the hall.
        “Guys,” Chris said. “They took Carnagmi back. We lost again.”
        The doctor came in the room and looked at me. “Oh, Mr. Fasterman! You woke up! I just informed your parents that you have a serious infection spreading throughout your body of an unknown element. It seems very serious, and we’re trying our best to—”
        “I’m fine, okay? I need to get out of here,” I said, disconnecting the heart rate monitor from myself. I walked out of bed. “It’s not that serious, and it’s gonna go away anyway.”
        I muttered to myself, “Mostly because of a kid named Cal.”
        “I recommend you get back in the bed,” the doctor said, but I had already made it to the hall, past my parents.
        After a few minutes of racing down the hospital stairs, I heard footsteps. I looked behind myself, and Howard and Shirley were following me.
        Howard yelled, “Dude! Get back up there!”
        “I’m sorry, guys!” I yelled back. I added, “I must finish what I started.”
        “Forget OrigVenom and revenge and all that! You’re our friend. So stay out of trouble,” Shirley said, finally speaking up.

        I made to the bottom of the stairs. I went through the doors of the hospital, and right when I was going to slowly (and menacingly…kind of) walk all the way to Kirby, Howard touched my shoulder.
        I looked at them, and he said, “At least change into this before you go to school, dum-dum.” Howard threw me a tight hoodie. It looked like the one from when I got infected two weeks ago, but gray.
        “Hey, Howard, we’re gonna take a little detour before Kirby—and Shirley, do you have a red sharpie?”


      18. A Drop Of Chocolate Milk
        By Ezra

        I, Colt, and OrigVenom/Cal walked into school. Everyone was in class, and guess who was sitting on the top of a bench in the cafeteria? Chris, that’s who, with a pair of wins behind him. The first thing that I noticed was that he was wearing a grey hoodie that had Carnage-style red veins drawn onto it.
        “Gotta admit, you draw pretty well,” OrigVenom/Cal said. “You might be evil, but you have talent. And I just can’t wait to eat your talented braaaaains.”
        Colt whispered in my ear, “Now that OrigVenom is in control of Cal’s freaking body, which is already Science Fiction Level 1000, you do realize that he can actually eat brains now, right?”
        “I already said we’ll deal with it later today,” I whispered back.
        “I mean no harm,” Chris said to us three. “The work is already done. I mean you guys were heading to Kirby for me, so I went down to Colt’s house, let in by his parents. Colt, on an unrelated note, your folks are very nice people, by the way. Then I went down to the kitchen, and on the counter, I saw all types of baking powders and chemicals and even butter on the counter, and I knew they were the ingredients for the OrigVenom chemical. I filled up a few gallons, and we made it to Kirby before you three. We then went to the lunch-ladies, and—”

        The bell rang. Doors opened, and a hundred kids or more burst through the doors, including the OrigAvengers (except for Dove).
        “Oh, hey, it’s Sloppy Joe Tuesday. Everyone loves it, right? Well, now they’re going to love it even more. Because now it comes with some…suspiciously wet…mystery meat.”
        We looked to the lunch line. Some people were already coming out with Chemical M-infected Sloppy Joes.
        Some people started to bite into their Sloppy Joes. Yeah, including a few of Kirby’s mightiest.
        OrigVenom/Cal’s eyes turned white. “Help me! Now!”
        A bunch of student started to pass out. Then Iron-Fold did.
        “Hey, doesn’t Cal’s brother Clark have a driver’s license, or is training to be a driver or something like that? If so, we’re $#&@*% doomed,” Colt remarked.


      19. A Drop Of Chocolate Milk Pt. 2
        By Ezra

        OrigVenom/Cal dropped to the ground, unconscious. After a few moments, I heard a familiar voice. “Hey, Ezra, down here!”
        Spider-Fold was sticking out of OrigVenom/Cal’s pocket.
        “Don’t tell me that you’re…,” I said, trying to bring myself to say the rest of the sentence.
        Colt said flatly, “Wow, we’ve entered Science Fiction Level 100,000. Great job, everybody.”
        “I won, I won, I won!” Chris said. “It usually doesn’t happen in fairy tales, does it? The villain winning. But I made it.”
        “No, you didn’t win,” the boy behind Chris said, pushing the girl behind Chris out of his way. “I won.”
        He pulled out an Anti-Venom puppet from behind his back. Then he pushed Chris off the top of the table. Chris fell on the hard cement.
        “My everything hurts,” he said.
        I picked up the Spider-Fold puppet, hiding it in my shirt pocket.
        “Easy there, you’re crushing me.”
        The boy with the origami Anti-Venom ran up to me as the girl who was right nex5 to him ran away, screaming.
        “Howard, how could you do this?” Chris said. “You’re my friend.”
        “I need to finish what I started. Sound familiar?” the boy named Howard said. He picked Chris off the ground by the shirt and said in perfect unison with the puppet, “We…are Anti-OrigVenom.”


      20. Sloppy Joes Make People Fart
        By Ezra, Chris, Cal, Colt, and Karl

        We heard Colt accessing FaceTime. His phone rang.
        “I see you contacted our secret weapon,” Ezra said. Howard looked confused.
        “Hello, you pentagon-shaped doritos,” Karl Blonsky Jr. said. “Ooh, look, a new dorito! Is that an Anti-Venom puppet? Cool, cool, cool! Oh, and don’t forget, the antidote for Chemical M is liquid soap and water mixed together! Bye!” Aaaand he hung up.
        “Wait, what?” Howard said. “An antidote?”
        “Yeah! What the weird guy on the phone said!” yelled Chris. “Soap and water!”
        Ezra said, “Howard, bud, I’m gonna have to break the truth to you: Sloppy Joes also make people gassy. And after people go the bathroom, they have to…”
        “Wash their hands,” Howard said.
        Clark woke up. Then Andy did. Then everyone else. That weird kid in the back who’s name is Joe said, “Oh my word, what is in that sloppy joe?” He ran to the bathroom, squealing.
        A few other kids walked away, and some even remarked how the new “sauce” on the Sloppy Joe tasted awful.
        “But Chris did all the work for me,” Howard said. “Everything was planned! I never expected this!”
        “It’s what you get, you little &$*@#%.” Colt snagged the Anti-OrigVenom puppet away from him and crumpled it.
        “Let’s take you to the principal’s office,” Ezra said. Just as some people started to walk out of the bathroom, OrigVenom got up, and put Spider-Fold on his finger. “Viva La Revolution, baby!”

        As Ezra and Colt escorted Howard away, OrigVenom and Spider-Fold looked at Chris, who had a sprained ankle from the fall.
        OrigVenom held out his hand. “Everyone deserves a second chance,” he said.
        Chris looked up at him and grabbed his hand.
        Now, we don’t know if it was the last remaining bits of Chemical M on his hands, but as Chris walked up from the ground with OrigVenom’s help, OrigVenom and Spider-Fold fell to the ground themselves.
        “Are you okay?” Chris asked them. Cal responded with, “Thank God! That little origami body was ill-fitted!”
        “Hey!” OrigVenom said to Cal and Chris. “I’m stuck in the wrong puppet!”


      21. The Epic Conclusion (not really though)
        By Ezra

        A WEEK LATER…

        It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning. Ezra, Cal, Chris, Karl, and I were gathered in Colt’s kitchen again. (Karl was video-chatting with us, which was the norm by now.)
        “So, what happened with Howard and Shirley after all that?” Karl asked.
        “Shirley just blocked me,” Chris answered. “Howard’s in juvie. They basically cut off all ties with me.”
        “And why did Howard want to become evil in the first place?” Karl asked, while picking his nose.
        “I think when I told them about my dilemma and OrigVenom’s powers and everything, I guess Howard became struck with the idea that he could use my plan to get back at Ezra for his own purposes.”
        Cal spoke up. “Hey Ezra, how’s Samantha?”
        “Oh, good, good. We’re good.”
        “Well, boys, let’s get to the juice,” Karl said, his questions fulfilled. “OrigVenom’s stuck in Spider-Fold, right? Well…Ezra, bring out the new body.”
        I brought out an origami Agent Venom.
        “Now, Colt. Put OrigVenom in the bowl. Now pour half a cup of Chemical M in the bowl. Good, you’re doing it well. Now, before you stir, add some churned and then softened extract of cow milk—”
        “You mean string cheese,” Colt sneered.
        “Yeah, add some string cheese, and then stir. Now, the reason why I’m not letting you guys just pour Chemical M on the puppet is because I’ve realized that is too much of an unstable solution. This new body will finally make OrigVenom not just an anti-hero, but a good guy.”
        Colt put a garden glove on and reached down into the mixture for OrigVenom. He used a blow-dryer to melt the mixture onto the puppet, and threw it to me.
        I put the puppet on my finger. “Fits like a glove,” OrigVenom said, and everything had its closure, it seemed. Except for one small thing.


      22. The Epitomy of Cal and Ezra’s Friendship
        By Cal and Ezra

        The next morning, right before school started, Cal tapped Ezra on the shoulder.
        “Cal? What is it, dude?” Ezra said.
        “Now that everything’s back to normal, and Chris is doing good now, and Karl is doing whatever he’s doing, I’d just like to say that you’re one of my closest friends, Ezra. I’m sorry I hated you.”
        “Nah, it’s all okay now. You were willing to take a shot for Colt. One day, you’ll be the best of all of us.”
        “I’m not sure I can be the best,” Cal said.
        “Then you can be great. With great power comes great responsibility, am I right?”

        There was a silence.
        Cal broke it by saying, “Hey, do you want to be part of the OriSpider-Verse team?”
        “No, no. As a matter of fact, I think I’m starting to form my own team.”
        Cal and Ezra looked in front of them. A bully was forcing some poor kid to give him lunch money.
        Then, just out of nowhere, Chris popped out from the bushes. The bullied kid ran away, and the actual bully just stood there, about to punch Ezra’s protegé in the face. The bully tried to punch him, but Chris stopped it with his bare hands.
        “Who are you, you monster?” he shouted.
        “We…are Absolute Carnagami.”


      23. I’m not sure if you’ll agree to this, but I’m doing an OrigVenom trilogy. The first one was the original OrigVenom, the second is Carnagami, and the third is…I don’t know yet.


      24. I see that a lot of one-shots have been having covers recently. Can you get someone do to a cover, please?


      1. noooo man I’m Mexican its my actual name. (are you that kid that cursed me out in pixel gun?? hmmmm)


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